Lifestyle Fashion

Genetic Factors: Reason Behind Angular Cheilitis Condition?

It has been discovered in many recent studies that genetic factors are responsible for many conditions or diseases. If someone in your family has a condition, you have a higher chance of contracting it at some point in your life.

Angular cheilitis is a condition in which the corners of the lips become chapped and cracked. The skin turns reddish and you are in a lot of pain. Sometimes scars even develop in the area around the mouth and lips. This condition is very painful and sufferers often experience great difficulty eating, speaking and even laughing.

There can be many reasons or causes of angular cheilitis. There may also be genetic causes for your condition. This condition sometimes results from a weak immune system due to increased bacterial growth around the mouth. There are bacteria residing around the mouth, but in this condition their growth is greatly increased.

Genetic reasons may be responsible for a weak immune system. This condition sometimes even arises due to rapid weight gain. Now, the weight factor also depends in part on your family’s genetic history. Therefore, there are high chances that you have angular cheilitis due to genetic reasons.

You can cure angular cheilitis at home using natural home remedies. In almost all cases in adults, children or the elderly, this condition clears up within a couple of days.

Consult the Natural Remedy for Angular Cheilitis and cure your condition permanently. This remedy has worked for thousands of people. Heals you permanently and gives you back healthier skin.

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