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Developing a millionaire mind

“Here you go again,” says your spouse (or your best friend). “Don’t tell me you’re trying another home business. Haven’t you learned from the last one? Haven’t you lost enough money already? Maybe you just aren’t cut out for it. Why can’t you settle for a steady job like everyone else? ?” In a split second of self-pity, you agree. The reasoning is logical. After all, you must have tried a dozen home businesses, everything from Amway to zero real estate. However, nothing seemed to work for you. Still, deep inside you yearn for more. You refuse to accept the fate that 97% of the population is facing, retirement in poverty.

the last barrier

Excuses for failure are a dime a dozen. “My upline never supported me,” “the products were too expensive,” “the economy just isn’t great right now.” These and hundreds more make up the battle cry to justify failure. However, the true underlying cause of failure is held within the mind of every individual who utters the aforementioned excuses.

In other words, the last barrier to success is your own mind. Your mind dictates whether you will succeed or fail in every undertaking in your life. If your mind is prepared and conditioned to accept wealth and success, nothing will stop you from achieving it. On the other hand, if your mind is not set up, no wealth building system in the world, no matter how good it is, will work for you.

A perfect example is a mail order business. Millions have tried and failed. However, some started mail order businesses from scratch, built the business, and within a few years became millionaires.

Those “lucky” mail order millionaires faced the same problems and obstacles as all the other millions who failed, yet they somehow found a way to overcome them. The key difference is the beliefs that were held in mind. The belief that success was “his.” The belief that they would find the answers to any situation prompted them to continue when challenges arose.

Realize now that believing is a state of mind. In fact, it is a higher state of mind that anyone can develop. Those who win in any business use belief. Those who fail don’t. Therein lies the problem. One of the biggest mistakes most people make when faced with failure is to quit and start a new company. Instead of looking within, most people look outside of themselves for answers. A big mistake.

Anyone who tries a wealth building system and can’t make money should ask themselves one question: “Is anyone else making money doing this?” If the answer is yes, don’t blame the company. It is your way of thinking that is to blame. Jumping to the next system will not help. Only by changing your mind can you change your success. Only by adjusting your belief can you achieve what you want. Andrew Carnegie, self-made billionaire and one of the early proponents of the mind/money correlation, said, “Take all my money and leave me penniless and in two years I’ll be a millionaire again. I’ve decided to attract wealth.”

How to use your mind to help you succeed

The following 4-step process will condition your mind, increase belief, and unleash your creativity. Prepare yourself for success by flooding your mind with these techniques daily.

1) Set the destination: First and foremost is your decision on a specific objective. Aim high. Dare to dream big. Dreams are important as they establish the focus of your subconscious mind. Benjamin Franklin said, “You must first have a dream for a dream to come true.”

2) Get a picture: Once you commit to your goal, take some time every day to mentally rehearse your success ahead of time. Get a clear image. See yourself as if you have already achieved your goal in detail. First sit or lie down and relax your body for five to ten minutes. Relaxation is important because it opens the channels to the subconscious. Once you have entered a deep relaxation, play a movie of yourself as if you have already achieved your goal. Incorporate as many of the five senses as possible. Find a way to see, hear, smell, taste and touch while playing your movie. Practice this twice a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

3) Emotionalize your goal: The most powerful and fastest system for mental programming is to add intense emotions to your visualization. An easy way to achieve this is to use music as an anchor. Have you ever heard a song that brings back memories? Have you ever heard the lyrics to a song and felt inspired? Music has an amazing power to create emotions within us. In fact, music also stimulates the creation of images in your mind. This is the perfect recipe for subconscious programming. Anytime you can relax, create a mental movie, and feel intense emotions, you are taking control of the subconscious. If you are serious about achieving your goals, find some songs that inspire you, songs that create intense emotions within you. Next, make it a daily routine to listen and visualize. Enjoy a better future by taking five to ten minutes every day to just relax, listen and watch. This is one of the most enjoyable ways to program your mind for success.

4) Disconnect: A year of mental programming can be canceled by a few minutes of doubt. Doubt, insecurity or negative thinking will destroy your success. You must condition yourself to act on the doubt first before it causes you harm. Avoid doubt as if the life of your dreams depended on it. Take charge and destroy doubt. A great way to do this is by putting a rubber band around your wrist and giving yourself a snap if a thought crosses your mind that is contrary to achieving your goals. This not only reminds you to maintain a positive mental attitude, but also inflicts enough pain that your mind immediately wanders. A good practice is to replace the negative with a positive thought. Every time you break the band, immediately focus on your future success. The key here is to condition the mind to focus on success instead of doubt.

As you continue to faithfully practice these techniques, your subconscious mind will begin to take your images as commands. Your belief will grow daily. Things will start to fall into place. The people and situations you need to achieve your goals will begin to appear in your life. Solutions to problems will magically appear in your mind at the most unexpected times and places. Your fight for success will end.

Remember that the keys to your success are not found in the next business fad. The keys that will unlock the treasures are stored within your mind. You must first see it in your mind’s eye before you can see it in reality. Commit to this principle and you will create miracles in your life.

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