
The biggest lucid dream

How much time does a person need? How much time does a person want? Reality when you really think about it is a dream that we create with priorities ultimately made by ourselves. Everything that has happened or could happen is really what we make happen.

So, I’m saying that anything we’re calm or nervous about is the biggest lucid dream there is. We create our cause and effect whether we like it or not.

Think about that fact for a moment, whether it’s a reality that we like big wins and consistent lottery winnings or poverty and taxes owed, we create it all.

I’m not writing this so much for you or anyone else to like it. I am writing about reality without filters or “games”. Call this article the non-gaming experience of what it all boils down to, in fact. Because reality is something we live in, not something that just happens to us.

The most genuine nonsense is to think that we are the effect and not the cause. We are the winners that we make to ourselves through our actions, we are the losers that we make to ourselves through our actions. Everything starts where we genuinely are without a doubt. In any case, the only genuine prison or freedom is within us.

We want our time, we need our time, right? Well, I can only say start taking causal action wherever you are and mean it. Because no one is an effect, really. Also, no one outside of you is really going to save you from yourself, except you. Call it the thirteenth step in the Alcoholics Anonymous sobriety program, or by making your willpower “starter straps” work, you have a choice to live successfully or as a failure, don’t you?

I have made my choice. I relentlessly live in reality in a sober, self-driven way. Sure, I’m not an atheist, but I understand without a doubt that God gave us the genuine choice of the genuine or false path to follow with all honesty and free will. That is all. The universe is neutral as the road is neutral with its forks and paths, but our paths of life and existence are genuinely caused by ourselves for better or worse. For good, we must work. For evil, we settle if we do not work and earn good. So, I end with my overused quote from Mark Spitz from the 1972 Munich Olympics: “We all love to win, but who loves to train?”

However, I end in this context: we are the cause and effect of our dreams, we either work for good or we settle for evil. That’s it.

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