
How to fix a broken skateboard

There is something about riding a repaired skateboard that is inexplicable. Add a new challenge and bring some fun back to the sport that has become so serious in recent years.

If your skateboard has chipped, try saving the pieces and re-gluing them. If the pieces are nowhere to be found or are completely unusable, then it’s time to get the bondo out. Bondo is ideal for repairing skateboard chips; You can mix it up and then spread it over the cracks and chips and it will keep them from getting worse. Any excess bondo can be sanded off and the board should be assembled as new. It is important to stop the chips early in the life of the deck, because if they are allowed to grow, eventually the entire tail or nose will wear out and the board will be irreparable.

If you’ve ever broken a deck, you can fix it with some metal reinforcement sheets that they use for concrete. Have it cut to the size of the deck and then secure it to the deck with small screws, tape, epoxy, or whatever else you have. Make sure to line up the landing on the deck as best you can so that everything fits properly. The metal is very lightweight and will make board slides easy, while keeping your graphic safe. If the board breaks again, just repair with a new sheet of metal.

Flat spots on wheels can be repaired without too much trouble. Take an electric drill and put the wheel on the end so that it turns. You may need to place a cloth between the wheel and the drill so that the wheel is not damaged. When you have the wheel on the end, turn on the drill and make the wheel spin, then lay it on sandpaper. This will polish the wheel evenly and remove flat spots. Try to maintain even pressure on the wheel so as not to make them elongated.

If your bearings are slow, pull them out of the wheel and remove the bearing guard. Clean them with a little bearing cleaner, then add a little bearing grease and they should run like new. Some bearings just need to be replaced, but most of them can be cleaned and will work perfectly.

Truck repair

If your trucks are worn out, try applying a small piece of rebar or pipe with epoxy. This will keep the trucks from wearing out too much, and you should be able to grind with ease, depending on what you use for the repair.

If you lose an axle, or if the axle is removed, you’re basically out of luck. You can try applying epoxy to the axle instead, but there really is a lot of pressure on that part of your skateboard.


These repairs are really only temporary, so if you try any of them, don’t expect them to last a lifetime. Be careful when working with power tools and heavy duty glues; you wouldn’t want to get hurt. The best thing to do if your skateboard really needs to be replaced is to buy yourself some blank skateboard decks. These are cheaper than normal decks and last the same. A blank skateboard is great for the money.

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