
How Much Does Air Conditioning Repair Cost?

Air Conditioning Repair Cost

A damaged air conditioning unit isn’t a minor issue, but you don’t have to break the bank to get it repaired. Air conditioning repair costs are largely dependent on the type of repair or part that needs to be replaced. Other factors can also affect the overall repair costs, including age and condition of the system.

Generally, a professional air conditioning repair technician will start by visiting your home and taking a look at the system. This service call is charged separately from the actual air conditioning repair, which is based on the technician’s findings. You should expect to pay around $75-180 (CAD 100-260) for this visit, which is typically charged hourly.

If the HVAC technician finds that your air conditioner has a serious problem, such as a compressor failure or a refrigerant leak, the cost will likely be higher. Replacing these types of AC components can cost anywhere from $300-1,000 or more, depending on the system size and complexity of the problems.

How Much Does Air Conditioning Repair Cost?

Another major component that can affect air conditioning repair costs is the blower. Located inside the air handler, the blower is responsible for pumping cool and warm air throughout your house. The blower motor is the heart of this system, so it’s important to have it working properly. When the blower motor fails, airflow stops completely. The good news is that the average cost to fix a blower motor is only around $440, which includes labor.

Other common issues that can lead to expensive AC repairs include thermostats, capacitors, condenser coils, and evaporator coils. If you need to replace these components, the total cost can range from $50-450 for basic thermostats to $450 for high-end or smart models.

A capacitor is a small electrical device in your outdoor unit that boosts the power that’s used to start your compressor motor. This is the most common reason for AC units not starting, with a capacitor replacement averaging $200-350.

It’s a good idea to invest in annual maintenance for your air conditioning unit, which can help reduce the likelihood of costly repairs. Many HVAC companies offer a variety of maintenance plans, and they’re often much cheaper than emergency repair services. These maintenance visits typically include an inspection, cleaning the condenser coils, and lubricating fans and motors. If you have a home warranty, it’s worth checking the terms of its coverage to see if your AC repairs will be covered. If you don’t have a home warranty, some installers offer financing for their services. Although these loans typically have steep interest rates and can damage your credit, they’re less risky than taking out a personal loan. They may even be tax deductible.

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