Lifestyle Fashion

Anxiety and Pregnancy

Women and babies have been intertwined from the beginning. It is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing unusual about it. All young women want to have a child or, in other words, become a mother. These days, even for a career woman, the desire to give birth to a child and become a mother is destined to catch up, and no other joy can replace the joy of becoming a mother in the bustle of everyday life. There are several mothers-to-be who are suffering from severe stress and emotional turmoil and now the question arises whether pregnancy and the anxiety related to becoming a mother can bring you joy and fulfillment, equally.

The answer to this question varies from woman to woman. Also, the future mother’s past life should always be brought to light, especially when she is going to give birth to a new life.

What things could make it more stressful?

During pregnancy, a woman spends most of her time thinking and drowning in her thoughts most of the time. Common thoughts during this time are: will her newborn be normal? Will she fail her as a mother? Will her baby have to go through the same problems that she went through as a teenager? etc etc This is quite expected as it is a preparatory stage for the mother to love the baby that is growing inside her womb and also her body is getting ready to adapt to the changes to meet the demand of the new life that is growing inside her. . hers.

It is seen in most of the cases that anxiety during pregnancy triggers stress in the woman. The other factors that can lead to intense stress during pregnancy are:

·A current miscarriage: This shakes the woman's confidence and the woman tends to wonder whether she will ever experience the joy of becoming a mother and see her baby cry for the first time.

·A uncertain income during the pregnancy
·An inconsistent relationship with the baby's father
·No emotional and moral support
·Unexpected and unwanted pregnancy that might mess up other plans of life.

It is very important to be mentally stable during the pregnancy and to resolve all concerns and doubts with your close friends, family and doctors. It is not impossible to deal with anxiety and pregnancy. Like other life crises, pregnancy and anxiety can be very easily dealt with. The pregnant woman is the right person to determine what is best for her baby. No matter what, every pregnant mother wants to emerge as the best mother and they will always want to do their best for the well-being of their child.

However, keep in mind that anxiety and pregnancy do not bring good results for the child. Several studies reveal the fact that if the mother is stressed and overly anxious during pregnancy, her baby is likely to develop stressful behavior later in life. Between weeks 12 and 23, the baby in the mother’s womb is more likely to be affected by her mother’s stress and anxiety.

What good can come of it?

In addition to harboring some negative thoughts, the mother-to-be prepares to deal with anxiety and pregnancy. Several bodily changes take place during pregnancy.

One of the main concerns during this time is whether their anxiety disorders will affect the fetus and worsen the conditions of the pregnancy and also after the baby is born, whether or not they will be able to care for the baby properly. Obviously, a big concern is whether or not the symptoms of your anxiety disorder will worsen during the pregnancy and whether you will be able to care for the baby after it is born. It is also cause for concern whether or not taking different medications will affect the baby. However, all these thoughts can raise stress levels in the mother-to-be.

The following facts may offer some hope for anxiety and pregnancy:

·During the pregnancy period and breast feeding period the medicines for anxiety disorders are quite safe for the baby.

· About 40% of women experience a precise decrease of the anxiety pattern during pregnancy. However during postpartum the set of anxiety symptoms may return.
·The intake of medicines for anxiety disorders by the expecting mother can actually help in preventing the development of anxiety disorders in the baby later in life. If the mother's symptoms are not treated properly then however it may result in lower birth weight of the baby.

What can be done during pregnancy to deal with anxiety?

About 10% of women develop anxiety symptoms during pregnancy. Following the steps below will definitely help them deal with the situation in a better way.

·Seek advice from your doctor about your plans to either become pregnant, or that you already are. The doctor's instructions and medications will help you to deal with your anxiety and pregnancy strategically.

·Bond with your partner in a more strong and intimate way. This would ensure support and love which would help in dealing with the situations in a better way.
·Relax. Pursue hobbies according to your liking. Talk to your friends, go for walks, practice gardening. All these activities will divert you mind and keep your stress under control.
·Open up to your husband or partner and close friends and discuss your causes of stress. This will definitely help.

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