
Too smart stigma is not healthy for a nation that wants to innovate – Think Tank Topic

It is unfortunate that if someone is too smart in school, they are considered strange or different. They may not even fit into their social groups, and may be called a nerd. If their own social groups at these ages do not recognize their intelligence as a positive virtue, then they are likely to pretend that they are not intelligent or do not value their intelligence themselves. This can only lead to unfortunate situations later in life.

Worse, many students who may have considered entering a math or science field may choose not to because they don’t want to be considered nerds and would like to have friends or keep the friends they currently have. As the coordinator of a think tank operating online, I often come across applicants who have always been quite intelligent but due to the perceived stigma and the way they were treated, they spent a good deal of their time pretending not to be.

We need these people in our society and civilization and we should reward intelligence if we want to discover more. One person who was challenged with this intelligence stigma at a very young age said that he didn’t want to share his ideas because people would think he was weird or tell him his ideas were impossible. In retrospect, he looks back today and stated; “However, the ideas I originally thought of when I was younger are now being created/researched by others after they have come up with them on their own.”

Yes, this is a common thing, it happens to me all the time, sometimes I projected my personal ideas using our think tank and then released the concepts into the wild (society, internet, military tech industry or scientific domain) and watched them. take wings, not always, but enough have to make me smile. Sometimes I get tired of being stupid and talking about the weather, because if I want to talk about the weather, I prefer to talk about physics, supercomputers and ways to control it, modify it or stop a CAT 5+ hurricane. heading for civilization, for example.

The interesting thing is that many who have had some esoteric niche science education will say that something is impossible because that is the way they learned it was, but years later the scientific academy finds out that they were wrong and low quality. and lo and behold, not only is it possible, but they finally decide that the concept is applicable. Oh, humans? Too bad they don’t listen.

Perhaps you have had circumstances similar to these in your life, and if you have, I would certainly like you to send a humanitarian email so we can discuss it. In fact, it is a psychological subject with several research papers, many of which are quite good, but I think there is much more to the story. And each individual story is somewhat unique. In fact, I hope you will please consider all of this and think about it.

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