Legal Law

The sex appeal of a heel

stiletto heels! They make us feel sexier, more confident and more glamorous. They slim our stomachs, elevate our assets, elongate our legs, and draw the attention of all men to our lady parts. Stiletto heels have not only become one of the most coveted components of a woman’s wardrobe, they are also a symbol of timeless elegance and sex appeal. A night without my stilettos (rare) leaves me feeling less feminine and much less sexy. It’s definitely more about the sex appeal of a heel than the comfort of a shoe.

“It’s a way of appealing to the masculine species, of attracting, and it works. I have men tell me that heels have saved their marriage.” Manolo Blahnik, legendary shoe designer.

I vividly remember rummaging through my mom’s closet as a child and discovering a pair of white heels, a pair she wore to her sister’s wedding in the early eighties. They were absolutely perfect! I was never fazed by the fact that they were too big for my feet; they were the smallest pair in her closet and became my training heels. I spent countless hours finding my center of gravity and perfecting my strut in her bedroom, my catwalk.

My desire, like millions of other women around the world, for this symbol of indisputable sensuality began young. We watch our female models (for me, my mom) get dressed and never leave without her heels. Heels are the final touch to the look.

New research has found that high heels do more than increase sex appeal. Dr. Maria Angela Cerruto, a urologist at the University of Verona, Italy, has spent years researching the benefits of high heels and has made an interesting discovery. Wearing high heels can actually tone a woman’s abdomen and pelvic floor! No more Kegel exercises. Squeeze, squeeze, breathe.

Big fashion faux pas: women who can’t walk in heels properly.

Ladies, I urge you to take notes here. There is a point where too high is too high! If you notice your knees start to buckle and you can’t walk properly, your grace has been lost and you need to drop at least an inch. It is better to walk in low heels, comfortably and confidently, than to force yourself into heels that are too high.

I often find myself in the same conversation with my top favorite: “You already have a pair of heels in that color. Why are you buying another pair?” Simple. You can never have too much of a good thing! It’s all about the details. Details are what make you stand out! In any case, if you are budget conscious, my advice to you is: invest in classic styles in neutral tones. This will provide you with great versatility.

final words of wisdom

When you go shopping for shoes, be sure to spend time trying them on. They may feel comfortable at first, but after an hour your feet may tell you otherwise. Check the return policy of the store! Its size can change from one brand to another. Keep in mind that at the end of the day your feet are a bit larger as they tend to swell throughout the day.

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