Digital Marketing

Simple Tips for a SEO Blogger

The web is continually expanding beyond the traditional ways of getting traffic through search engine optimization and paid advertising; Social media and other related data management services must become a vital part of your online search marketing strategy. Because of this, blogging can absolutely help you build authority, better connect with customers, and increase your visibility in a search engine. Because of this, blogging can absolutely help you build authority, better connect with customers, and increase your visibility in a search engine. And due to the constant changes, many started to become SEO bloggers who focus on blogging for their SEO tasks.

Blogs are a big step up and WordPress is a popular option that has an open source development community and some awesome plugins. In WordPress, you can get an RSS feed infrastructure and a place to embed not only text content, but also streaming video and audio podcasts. So that you can get the most out of social media optimization, here are the six things an SEO blogger should do:

Create your own WordPress blog

– If you have a business and would like to start creating your own authorized blog, you can go to It only takes 10 minutes to set up. You need to apply for a Linux hosted account because WordPress is not compatible with Windows. TypePad and Movable Type blogging systems are some of those that offer free services. is free and Yahoo! Small Business has different options that you can select from.


– You should always add a blog post once a week or more when you start. Remember that frequency is of the essence for search engines and people will expect regular updates from your blogs. Every time you add content, make sure to add the tags and category. Tags and directory are also important to help show search engines what your post is about.

Manage RSS feeds

– RSS is an XML-based file structure that allows compatible web systems to read the data. and help you distribute content and and help you alert systems about your new post.

support your blog

– As a blogger, you should influence or take advantage of search engines whenever you can or as much as possible, always. Do some solid keyword research so you know what most people are searching for within your niche. Look for longer keywords instead of starting with the most competitive keyword phrases; you should always include them in the title of your posts.

Optimize your Blog

– It is very important that a blog is optimized for the sake of its users, search engines and revenue. You should have a clean site and a white background really works well. For SEO bloggermarketing, try changing your permalinks to this option: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and allow customizable permalinks. Don’t worry; this is a commonly used search engine friendly URL.

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