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Quantum learning: do you live above or below the line?

Students in many public and private schools will likely experience the results of teacher training in the area of ​​quantum learning this year or in the years to come. Schools and business leaders alike are being trained to implement this powerful research-based system that uses brain studies and physical movement to improve core components of education and / or the work environment. It has been shown to increase teacher / leader effectiveness and improve student performance.

One of the key components of quantum learning, and there are many, is the idea of ​​”living above or below the line.” This “line” is a level of responsibility or, as the program defines it, responsiveness, and is very similar to Covey’s “habit” of being proactive; take control of the elections and therefore take control of the results. You may hear your children talk about this, so this article will address the general idea of ​​”the line” and where you and they live. This is a great lesson for people in general and parents specifically, as it lends itself well to positive discipline.

The basic premise of “living above or below the line” is that we are running our own program and must take responsibility for how things turn out based on the decisions we make, good or bad. There is a lot of power in that understanding.

Living “below the line” is defined in Quantum Learning as the message we send when we blame, justify, or deny. For example, blaming someone or something else for our own decisions sends the message “I have no control over my life, other people control my life.” That’s right? Of course not, we make the final decisions about what we say and do in the moment. When we justify, or make an excuse, we are sending the message “I have no control over my life – external circumstances control my life.” Again, is that really true? No, it is not. Although external circumstances affect us, they do not have to control us unless we allow them to. When we deny it, or are simply dishonest, we send the message “I am a liar and cannot be trusted.” Oh! We have all lied at some point in our lives, but we never want to send the message that we are chronic liars. The last “below the line” answer is to simply quit. This is shown in the negative and / or apathetic attitude of “I don’t care and I can’t be bothered.” Giving up, giving up, or giving up everything sends the message “I don’t have what it takes”; also, not true. Living below the line is simply living the victim mentality: poor me, look what life is doing to me.

How do we live “above the line”? We decide that we have the ability to respond in ways that provide choice, power, and freedom. When we recognize that we choose our response, we begin to understand the power we have to create the life we ​​want to live. When we actively seek more options instead of blaming, justifying, denying, or giving up, we ultimately end up with freedom. This is property or “living above the line.”

So parents at home, other adults in the workforce, students at school, and all of us as we interact on a daily basis, the question is … where do you live?

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