Digital Marketing

Pros and Cons of Selfie Culture

In modern life, it is fashionable to name the latest trends and technologies with short, crisp words like SciFi, HiFi, and WiFi. The latest addition is the Selfie, which is a photograph of the self, taken by the photographer. It can be taken with a handheld digital camera, tablet, or smartphone. Special sticks or stands are now available to hold smartphones to facilitate better photos without the help of a third person. Selfies are often used for sharing on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Most selfies are taken with a camera held at arm’s length without a self-timer. In ancient times, people used to photograph themselves uncovering the camera lens and rushing towards the shot. Another method was to place the camera on a nearby object or on a tripod and capture your own image reflected in a mirror.

There are two types of selfies. When it contains only one person, it is an individual selfie. If more than one person is captured in a selfie, then it is called a ‘Group Selfie’. The latter is also known as ‘Groufie’, ‘Wefie’ and ‘Usie’. Whatever the type, the purpose of such selfies is to focus on the people who appear in them. The most popular is the individual selfie that can be shared with family and close friends. Lately, group selfies have more value as they show the relationship and unity of people.

Benefits of selfies: The need for a photographer is dispensed with. Personal pictures and varied expressions can be taken and shared with others. These selfies are used for; 1) Inform the position of the self to the family living in a remote place. 2) Freeze memorable moments 3) provide evidence of being present in a place 4) share status with employer on progress 5) foster relationships and coordination.

Selfie damage: Many incidents of mishaps and loss of life per se are reported due to the selfie craze around the world. An overdose of taking perfect selfies is likely to cause body dysmorphic disorder. Psychological studies conducted in 2015 found the link between the number of selfies posted online and narcissism was stronger among men than women. One person fell dead while attempting to take a selfie against the backdrop of the city, standing on the parapet of the terrace of the ten-story building. VIP selfies are used to promote business and market influence. The movement of traffic or pedestrians stops when some people take selfies in crowded places such as roads, train stations, and shopping malls.

When a famous actor attended a funeral, some people rushed to take selfies with the actor and the dead in the background. Shame is for such uncivilized people. A couple slipped off the edge of a cliff and died while taking a selfie. A man accidentally shot himself in the head while taking a selfie with a loaded gun. A woman was electrocuted while taking selfies on top of a parked train. A college student suffered a fatal head injury when she tried to take a selfie and fell off a moving train.

Some countries have launched awareness and counseling campaigns to educate their citizens about the dangers of selfies. In Russia, simulated road signs are posted to warn of unsafe poses, and the Russian Interior Ministry issued a ‘Selfie Safety Guide’ warning selfie enthusiasts about some common dangerous behaviors. Selfies are good as long as people remain shy and respect the feelings of others.

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