Legal Law

Police brutality and murders

How many more lives must be taken between black men and women and people of color before the laws change on the books? The late John Lewis said “if you see something, say something”, do something. This statement is not just for the African American community, it is for all races of people. If you have conscience; How can any of us sit by and watch the social injustices that are happening at such a rapid rate and do nothing or say nothing to make a difference?

I congratulate the NBA players and other professional sports entertainment teams for taking a stand and proving that life is more important than an entertainment game. Your compassion, concern for society as a whole, and your commitment to say and do something is commendable. It is a sad day in America to see and hear our government leaders discussing issues that are so important to the health and well-being of all of us.

Domestic violence by our own police force, the very people who are supposed to protect and serve us and protect us from harm; they are the ones who are committing such crimes that are resulting in the death of innocent people. These officers are getting away with cold-blooded murder and assault on people with such behavior. And those who can survive such brutality are scarred for the rest of their lives and have to live with the consequences of someone else’s negligence, which has caused them to suffer physically, emotionally, financially and even spiritually. This madness has to stop. How many more black men, women, and people of color must be shot, disabled, or killed before this current government does something? Change the laws! Stop protecting police officers who abuse their authority.

For all politicians regardless of the color of their skin; When are they going to take a stand, come together and agree to put in place a law that prevents the murders of innocent victims from being killed by their own entity? The platforms that each of us have must be used for the betterment of society.

Legislators, Congress or any level of government with which you are involved; including Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, when are many of you going to start using your platform with honor and dignity?

Honoring God with your mouth and lips, but your heart is far from Him, is unacceptable behavior. Stop using the name of the lord in vain. “This people draws near to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Matthew 15: 7-8.

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