Lifestyle Fashion

Oxygen to cure a hangover

You wake up with an incredible case of a cottony mouth and you are very irritable. The sun seems extremely bright and every sound seems intensified to a very uncomfortable degree. Your stomach feels quite queasy and even the thought of food could push you over the line, so whatever is in your stomach probably won’t be for long. You are shaky and flabby. Your muscles seem helpless and you have a headache of gigantic proportions. You have a hangover. The newer techniques for this self-inflicted condition involve the use of oxygen for the hangover.

A very lucky 25% of the population will never have a hangover, despite all efforts to thwart nature. For the rest of us, a hangover can be a tiring experience. A hangover occurs when a person consumes more alcohol than the system can process. This causes irritation of the stomach as it remains in the intestines and can cause vomiting and diarrhea, both of which leave the body very dehydrated. Alcohol is broken down through the liver and a main component of this process is oxygen. During a heavy night of drinking, oxygen in the blood is diverted to areas that need it and can cause a lack of oxygen in the brain. This is hypoxia, and that’s the dizziness you feel during a hangover. It can also cause headaches and can hinder the brain’s ability to function. Oxygen for hangovers has become a new method of treating these symptoms.

Knowing this, more and more hangovers are using oxygen to relieve hangovers and help overcome the worst symptoms. A higher flow of oxygen in the system can increase metabolism and help the liver process alcohol more quickly. Oxygen helps detoxify the bloodstream and will work to relieve headaches, fatigue, and nausea caused by lack of oxygen.

Previously, oxygen for hangover treatment was only available to those who had access to hospital medical facilities or to people who lived near an oxygen bar. Now this oxygen therapy is available to everyone through canned oxygen. As hangover relief, the convenience of having oxygen on hand at home can only add to the beneficial effects claimed by its users.

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