
Is Google Duplex the reason Siri cries herself to sleep?

Artificial intelligence comes home.

Google Duplex is an extension of the Google Assistant that connects users with businesses as revealed Sundar pichai during the Google I / O conference in early May 2018. You can make phone calls to real human beings. Many of us have been using the Google Assistant for some time and are excited about the freedom and power that it brings with it.

Recurring deep neural network using Wavenet Natural speech synthesis technology, including lips and breath sounds, enables these realistic conversations.

Google Duplex has been launched as a simple ‘booking system’ that reserves appointments on your behalf with real people. Conversations can be simple or complex, as the conference demonstrated.

Not only does he understand context and nuances, but he also responds like a human with pauses and filler words. “mm-mms” and “aha-s”.

Sometimes these words give computers time to process and other times they simply mimic real humans. It not only nails accents too, but it also handles interruptions, elaborates, and responds to audio issues. Misleading? Well maybe. Some people raise concerns for ethical reasons, but that’s a discussion for another day.

Does it pass the Turing test?

The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable from that of a human. Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine designed to generate human-like responses. The Turing test was originally intended for text conversations only, but Google Duplex has taken it to another level by passing it by voice.

When it comes to dating, he passes the Turing test.

The scope as established by Google is currently limited to reservations or inquiries about opening hours and cannot have actual conversations. But we feel like it’s the tip of the iceberg.

There’s more … Here’s why.

Google AlphaGo by DeepMind beat lee Sedol the world master of the ancient and complex Chinese board game “Go” completely playing against himself. He accomplished this feat using a self-learning technique known as ‘reinforcement learning’ without tactical guidance and studying the movements of human experts.

So Google, in principle, has the know-how to further develop Duplex at a much more complex level that cuts across accents, contexts, and languages ​​and is much more capable than described; So where does this leave telemarketers and the call center industry?

In conclusion, it is an incredible technical achievement and a perfect and great implementation of AI in the real world. It’s really exciting because we are on the brink of a new era in which artificial intelligence, neural networks, machine learning, and pattern recognition merge, opening doors to possibilities beyond imagination.

Before we go, consider this scenario …

Wife: Okay Google. Can you tell me where my husband was last night?

Google: MMM sure. I booked him a table for two at a Michelin star restaurant The bernardino In New York. He also bought a Tiffany diamond bracelet and paid with MasterCard.

His GPS positioning also confirms that he was there until 1 am. I also heard him invite his friend Clara for a drink.

Should I make an appointment with your family’s lawyer?

OKAY!! You can breathe a sigh of relief for now and prepare for the future, as it may take time to commercial launch for a wide range of users. It has concerns and pitfalls, but you can’t ignore the fact that AI will soon be a part of our daily lives, very soon.

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