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Do celebrities influence the eating habits of adolescents?

Many teen celebrities are trying their best to achieve a size 0 or size 0 body. They feel and think that having a slimmer figure equals more projects for them. But does size really matter? Do teenage fans strive to become like their famous idols? Do celebrities really have the power to influence people, especially teenagers?

For a long time, many parents blame teen idols for influencing the way their children act or behave. Have you noticed how teenagers idolize celebrities these days? Even his personal affairs are being followed by children these days. Take for example the case of Lindsay Lohan or Mary Kate Ashley. They are definitely famous teen stars. But, since they are trying to project an image to satisfy a lot of people in show business, their health and body suffer. Many children are aware of this problem. But, due to peer pressure and trying to participate, they are easily influenced by these celebrities to over-exercise, eat less, and overeat and vomit afterwards.

It is a fact that the media, especially famous teen celebrities, are powerful people to influence people. But, adolescents are easily influenced because the teenage years are the period in which our personality and identity develops. Teenagers who watch TV shows and read magazines are easily lured into unhealthy diets and eating habits because the media has some ways of provoking these acts. They have the ability to use skinny models and celebrities to endorse products or star in up-and-coming shows or movies. With stiff competition, celebrities are forced to go on strict diets and excessive exercise routines to get the roles or offers that come their way.

To combat numerous stressful and difficult challenges that they have to face at school or even in the whole community, teens find refuge in following what their teen idols are up to in real life. Since then, these teen stars are role models for kids, and even their not-so-great attitude or personality is followed. Children are sometimes naive about the things around them. I, for one, don’t know exactly what things to follow. Even if it’s just a role or a TV show, sometimes I tend to follow trends. It is good if what is shown in the movies or shows is nice and acceptable. But, if those roles or actions damage character, then parents must confront or stop such acts.

Living in today’s time and generation is a bit unsettling for many parents. The media, especially celebrities, have a very powerful influence in leading teenagers to do good or bad. It is good if we can control ourselves to prevent bad things from happening. If not, parents should be really aware and guide us to determine what is in and what is out.

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