Lifestyle Fashion

Danger of insecurity


We all feel insecure at times. Sometimes it can be a new situation or environment that leads to a feeling of insecurity. However, I want to focus on those deep-seated feelings that we may not be good enough. This lack of self-esteem is expressed as insecurity.

Bog you down

The manifestation of insecurity is truly an anchor. It prevents us from living a full and normal life. Feelings of insecurity often lead to a socially isolated life and in extreme ways can lead to paranoia.

Feelings of self doubt are overwhelming. Even if we are prepared to execute something that we can easily do, we may stumble upon doubt.

Do not confuse a lack of preparation, which causes nervous doubts but is limited to a specific event, with insecurity.


Feelings of insecurity negatively impact relationships. If we don’t have a good image of ourselves, it is difficult to have a good relationship. If we don’t love ourselves, warts and all, how can we love another person?

The roots of insecurity are multifaceted

There are many causes and theories of how one is burdened with insecurity, such as a terrible childhood or being subjected to bullying. However, I am not a therapist, and while it may be helpful to discover the root cause, I prefer to focus on acknowledging the insecurity and moving forward to eliminate it.

Insecurity can be overcome or mitigated. It may take time and patience, but the rewards are enormous and must be pursued. You can balance acknowledging any shortcomings you may have (while working to improve them) but still believe and acknowledge your own worth.

Don’t confuse, for example, lack of education or physical discomfort with your value as a person. The world is full of smart, athletic, and successful people who are terrible people. Our culture elevates someone with a good Hollywood look, a lot of money, or who possesses some talent. However, those superficial attributes are only a small portion of each of us.

You are important and valuable. You have as much to contribute as anyone else on the planet. Some may be able to express themselves or a point of view more easily than you, but that does not make what they say or believe more valuable than your points of view. Don’t get caught up in what other people may or may not think of you. Being a selfless, humble, honest, and loving individual is the true measure of a ‘worthy’ person and, in the end, the only thing that counts.

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