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Basic Palmistry Part II

Palmistry, also known as palmistry, is the art of guessing a person’s fortune by looking at the lines and bumps on a person’s hand. However, since the 1920s, the art of palmistry has come a long way. Chirognomy is a related science in which the shape of the hand; The shape of the fingers, fingers, nails, and the texture and consistency of meat are examined to get a glimpse of the inner workings of the personality. Dermatoglyphs are the study of the patterns and formations of the ridges found on the fingertips and palm of the hand to detect and diagnose inherited diseases. However, here we are dealing with what I would call the “Roma reader basics” of art.

In an earlier New Age Notebook called Basic Palmistry, I identified the main lines and mounts of the human hand. In this article, we are going to examine other types of marks and characteristics that are common indicators of personality, temperament, and destiny.

Bubbles and loops: Bubbles and loops that occur in life lines, heart lines, and destiny lines indicate important episodes in your life or a life that is broken by many strange experiences. Strong, clean lines without bubbles are always preferable if you are looking for a serene and peaceful life.

Dashed lines – These generally indicate that a life will be disrupted in an unsettling way. A broken life preserver can signify an early or tragic life. A break in the headline can signify a period of insanity or mental illness.

Crosses and Crossovers – These marks on any mound or area of ​​the hand often represent stressful influences, events, or people. Influence is usually a significant or important relationship. The deeper the line, the more traumatic or life-defining the experience is said to be. The nature of the event determines on which mound the cross or crosshatch is located.

For example, if you have a lot of cross-hatching on your Lower Mars Mound, you may encounter a lot of war or violence in your life. Crosses and cross hatches on your Mound of Apollo can indicate problems with career, confidence, and success. On the outer edge of the hand, just below the little finger and the Mound of Mercury, such marks are said to indicate how many children there are in your future. If horizontal lines or cross hatches appear on your thumbs or fingertips, it is a sure sign that you are under too much stress.

Junction lines: These are lines that lie above the heart line and wrap from the side of the hand and extend below the little finger. This is supposed to indicate how many important relationships or bonds you will have in your life.

Healer’s Stigmata – A long horizontal line that is crossed by three shorter lines indicates this. It is a symbol of natural healing abilities and usually occurs on the mound of Mercury just below the little finger.

Squares – If you find a square in your hand, it means that you are a born teacher or leader and intend to enlighten others. The area of ​​interest where it will protrude is indicated where it is placed on a mound. For example, a square found on the mound of Mercury indicates a career in teaching or education. A square found on the Mound of Venus below the thumb may indicate a nurse, doctor, or healer.

Feathered light lines – Can be found all over the hand and is often an indication of health problems. If the lines travel from the wrist to the little finger, it may indicate a chronic disease or disability.

X: X’s found anywhere on the palm usually indicate a journey. If you are on any of the upper or lower Mars mounds or the Plain of Mars, it means traveling as a result of war or military career. An X on the mound of Venus (below the thumb) means moving for love and on the mound of Jupiter an X can mean moving for reasons related to career advancement.

Triangles – Triangles anywhere on the palm indicate a decent upbringing and emotional or intellectual strength. Again, this depends on which mound the triangle is on. For example: a triangle found on the Mound of Venus indicates emotional strength and understanding when it comes to love. A triangle found on the mound of Saturn below the third finger indicates incredible physical and emotional stamina in times of trouble.

Solomon’s Ring – This is a line that surrounds the base of Jupiter’s finger (index finger) and is found on the hands of those who are said to be psychic. It is also believed to represent royal blood or ancestry.

Stars: A star-shaped pattern of lines can mean that you will enjoy especially good luck wherever that star is. For example, if you have a star on your Mound of Venus, it can indicate fame. A star on your Mound of Mercury can signify successful relationships. Wherever you find a star in your hand, you are more likely to find good fortune unless it is located on the mound of Saturn below your ring finger. In that case, it means a life of arrogance and pride without the rewards.

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