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Advantages of hands-free calls while driving

We’ve all seen the news about drivers getting distracted by their cell phones and ending up causing accidents. Looking across the road to make or receive a call can be extremely dangerous. Fortunately, there are some hands-free options available that allow drivers to make and receive phone calls without taking their hands off the wheel.

Many states have now implemented hands-free cell phone laws in an attempt to reduce distracted driving. In general, these laws prohibit drivers from holding a phone to have a conversation while driving. While we all want to be safer on the roads, many of us simply won’t give up our phone conversations while driving. These laws, as well as concerns for personal safety, have led drivers to investigate hands-free options for phone calls.

Basically, there are two different approaches to hands-free calling. The former requires the purchase of a headset that can be used whether you’re in or out of the car. The second type requires an integrated Bluetooth system to be installed in your vehicle. The initial cost of this type of hands-free system may be higher than that of a headset, but it offers many benefits for the average driver.

Bluetooth technology enables short-range wireless communication between your cell phone and your vehicle’s audio system. With Bluetooth integration, you’ll be able to hear callers through your car’s speakers and be able to answer using the built-in microphone. Voice activation options let you answer calls and dial numbers from your contact list hands-free.

Drivers with integrated Bluetooth technology won’t miss a call, even if their phone is out of arm’s reach. Calls can be made and received as long as the phone is within 30 feet of the receiver. No more diversions and slowdowns while trying to locate the ringing phone.

When you receive an incoming call, your system will automatically mute or lower the volume of your stereo. This feature allows drivers to keep their hands on the wheel at all times. All of these automated features help drivers stay focused on the road and avoid fiddling with their phone while driving.

Caller ID options allow drivers to decide if the call needs to be taken or if it can wait until they are out of the car. This information can reduce the number of calls accepted while driving, reducing distractions while operating the vehicle.

Unlike headphones and earphones, with an integrated Bluetooth system you won’t have to wear cumbersome equipment while behind the wheel. Don’t worry about losing or forgetting multiple devices because everything is fully integrated into the vehicle’s audio/video system.

If you’re not willing to give up your phone conversations while driving, a hands-free option may be the best alternative. Affordably priced, headphones or Bluetooth integration will help you keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

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