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Iodine deficiency? A simple self test can show you now

In the United States alone, nearly 13 million people have some form of thyroid imbalance and are generally completely unaware of it. Iodine is a necessary nutrient, not only for the proper functioning of the thyroid, but it is also essential for the normal functioning of the body’s cells, the nervous system, the muscles, the development of the brain, the use of oxygen, the metabolism, a strong immune system and much more. Understanding how important a critical trace mineral, such as this one, is to your overall health is worth taking the time to learn more.

Many people who were deficient in iodine have witnessed some surprisingly positive results from supplementation. While it is commonly recognized in the traditional medical community, this mineral plays an important role in helping the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. Common symptoms of thyroid malfunction are; fatigue, unexplained weight gain or loss, muscle weakness, hair loss, concentration problems, increased allergies, fluid retention, and irritability.

According to Dr. Guy Abraham, MD, former professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and endocrinology at UCLA School of Medicine, and a leading authority on iodine, says, the limits of sufficient iodine levels in the human body go far beyond this. , others Possible body healing functions of iodine include:

1. Regulates moods

2. Prevents cancer (especially in breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate and thyroid gland)

3. Prevents and treats fibrocystic breasts in women.

4. Regulates blood pressure

5. Helps regulate blood sugar and prevents and treats diabetes.

6. Helps prevent abnormal heart rhythms.

Dr. Abraham noted that Japanese women have one of the lowest incidences of breast cancer in the world. They generally eat more than 13 mg of iodine per day, in the form of seaweed, without suffering harmful side effects. It is also important to mention here that most doctors consider doses above 2 mg per day to be potentially toxic.

When Dr. Abraham began his research on iodine, back in 1998, he discovered many other positive benefits of treating iodine deficiencies in patients at doses well above the standard RDA of 2 mg.

He noted that in 1820 a French physician named Jean Lugol also used higher doses above 2mg to treat a wide variety of conditions. Dr. Lugol successfully treated many different infectious conditions with his own specifically designed solution, which is still available by prescription, known as ‘Lugols’s solution’.

Iodine tends to have antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal qualities, and it also improves immune function.

Sub-optimal levels of iodine intake contribute to various thyroid abnormalities, in addition to the obvious condition of thyroid goiter (swelling of the throat). Common problems are still seen today, such as hypothyroidism (underactivity), hyperthyroidism (hyperactivity), and autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid (Hashimoto’s disease).

Most people get enough iodine in their diet from shellfish and iodized salt. But only about 50 percent of Americans use iodized salt. Due to battling high blood pressure, they have been bombarded by standard medical advertising and media attention that reducing your salt intake is a smart move. However, high blood pressure is more directly caused by the body’s adaptation to severe dehydration. Learn more about the many health benefits of salt and water by visiting the website of Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water,” called watercure.

One gram of refined iodized table salt, which is high in chloride, contains 77 mcg of iodine. Some experts estimate that the body can only absorb about 10 percent of this iodine. Therefore, your body needs a superior form of salt. A better source of iodine and several other trace minerals, which is naturally present in unrefined sea salt, is a smarter choice. It will cost considerably more, but the health benefits are worth it. You can find this type of salt in most health food stores.

Other sources of iodine in our diet come from dairy products, meat, and eggs. However, the level of iodine can have variable amounts, depending on the content of the animal feed. About 40 years ago, iodate was used as a bread stabilizer in commercially produced baked goods, further increasing our iodine intake. Recently, this practice has declined, in the last 30 years, and iodate has been replaced by bromide, as it was considered safer. Other dietary sources are certain multivitamins and the ingestion of so-called healthy foods like seaweed. However, they are largely unregulated and unrecognized.

If you suspect that you may be deficient in this necessary trace element, you can perform a simple self-test, although it may not be completely accurate. Paint a two-inch spot on a soft tissue area of ​​the skin, such as the inner arm or upper thigh, with iodine tincture. If the stain takes more than 18 hours to disappear, it is a good indicator that you have enough iodine. If it absorbs more quickly, say 2-3 hours, you may need to supplement. So you may want a more accurate, deep, and simple saliva or urine test to be done.

Iodine utilization problems can be further restricted by ingesting goitrogens (substances that can cause an enlarged thyroid gland) such as fluoride, bromine, and bromides and chlorine. The good thing about being sufficient in this mineral is that Dr. Abraham’s work demonstrated that sufficient iodine levels help promote the excretion of toxic minerals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium out of the body, as well as halogens fluoride and bromide.

Water is the main fluid option that will help you eliminate these harmful substances faster and more efficiently than any other beverage. That’s something you can see and feel, as water is the foundation of all strong nutritional diet success stories.

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