
Facial fillers with high and low G Prime dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are gels or compounds that are injected into the face to fill in deep folds, folds, and wrinkles, plump up an aging face, and lift the cheeks. We classify fillers by viscosity and elasticity, which is also called G Prime. High G Prime fillings offer better structure than low G Prime fillings, and the higher the G Prime in the fill, the better the lift, as it is firmer and tends to hold its shape.

Viscosity in fillings is related to the flow and spreadability of the fill. The thicker the fill, the better it will hold its shape, while a thinner fill will be more fluid. The G Prime or elasticity, describes how the padding retains its shape in the face of facial movements, such as when you smile and frown.

There are many different types of fillers on the market. Some fillings are thick and firm, and others are softer and more liquid. The things that distinguish injectable fillers include; the elasticity and how well the material adheres, the G prime and its ability to resist gravity and facial movements and how well the padding spreads.

Dermal fillers used for facial injections are hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite based fillers such as;

Restylane range

Juvederm ultra

Radiesse, which is a calcium hydroxylapatite based filler.

Teosial kiss

Hyaluronic acid is the most common type of filler used in cosmetic treatments and it is also a substance that is naturally found in our bodies. Babies have a lot of hyaluronic acid, which is why they have round and plump cheeks. As we age, we lose volume in our face, causing the cheeks to deflate and excess skin to sag towards the jaw line, giving us a droopy double chin and wrinkles. If you imagine your face is a slowly deflating balloon, dermal fillers can help re-inflate it.

A higher G Prime means a greater degree of thickness, and thicker fillings can give more lift. Lower G Primes fillers are softer and spread more easily through tissues and move better within the face.

For the nasolabial folds, adding definition to the chin and enhancement of the cheeks; a filler with a high G Prime is a better option for lifting and contouring, because it can lift and support the skin and surrounding structures. A lower G Prime has a thinner flowable gel and is more suitable for areas near the eyes and lips, because it is more fluid.

Thicker dermal fillers with high G Prime help restore skin, giving it the underlying structural support it lacks, while thinner G Prime fillers are better for smoothing and smoothing rather than support.

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